The Anytime Snack Pack for Everyone


With their unusual shapes and varied colors, winter squash — including acorn, spaghetti and butternut squash — make beautiful table decorations. Nothing pretties up a place like a small bunch of squash and pumpkins on the table, especially when today’s decor becomes tomorrow’s dish. 1. It’s a nutritional ingredient with taste, texture and autumn nostalgia.Butternut […]

6 After-School Snacks the Kiddos Will Love


Look beyond butternut squash’s intimidating hard skin, and you’ll find a bright orange flesh, buttery texture and slightly sweet, nutty flavor — with so many meal possibilities! Why should you make butternut squash your go-to ingredient for fall and winter meals? 1. It’s a nutritional ingredient with taste, texture and autumn nostalgia.Butternut squash is one […]

5 Reasons to Love Butternut Squash

Look beyond butternut squash’s intimidating hard skin, and you’ll find a bright orange flesh, buttery texture and slightly sweet, nutty flavor — with so many meal possibilities! Why should you make butternut squash your go-to ingredient for fall and winter meals? 1. It’s a nutritional ingredient with taste, texture and autumn nostalgia.Butternut squash is one […]